

A blog by iFaqeer
about life, technology and getting by in Silicon Valley

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pilot for Commentary on WBT TV  

I am starting a regular commentary segment on WBT-TV, a Business and Technology program on Comcast Channel 15 in San Jose, California. This is the pilot edition and will be reposted in final form next week.

The online home for this commetary is on my own website at http://ifaqeer.wikispaces.com/Technology+Society+and+You Please drop by there and engage in the discussion—or leave comments below.

The WBT-TV website is at http://www.wbt-tv.com

The media file for this segment is available directly at: http://ia310129.us.archive.org/0/items/TechnologySocietyandYouPilot/Sabahat-On-WBT_64kb.mp4

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